

Your voice has an immense amount of influence on your audience, and there are three main characteristics that enhance it: volume, speed, and tone. When you change your voice, either raise or lower the volume, speed up or slow down, or accent syllables that you didn’t accent before, you keep the attention and interest of your audience longer.

The most effective change that produces the highest results is merely raising your voice.

Our research has proven that when you raise your voice, other side effects occur. You tend to open your mouth more, raise your eyebrows, and use more facial expressions. The next most effective tactic is speeding up or slowing down. Finally, while tone is important and does produce a response from your audience, it is the least effective of the three.

AND SO MY FELLOW AMERICANS: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what YOU can do for your country. And so my fellow Americans … Ask not … what your country can do for you … Ask … what you … can do … for your country. And so my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.