Communication Style

Communication Style

Your communication style is the level to which your behaviors are measured. If you are described as “decaffeinated,” then your behaviors fall under the headings passive, reserved, and withdrawn. However, if your behaviors can be described as “overly caffeinated” or “Starbucks™” then you may come across as aggressive, exuberant, and expressive. Somewhere in between these two is what we term, The Peak Area. This is just the right level of “caffeination” or assertion and engagement.

Your style directly affects your credibility. We have learned that credibility scores go up when you are neither overly reserved nor overly expressive. The most credible style is when your behaviors seem to be most appropriate for the situation so they don’t detract from your message. For example, a person who uses a lot of movement, excessive volume, and speed may be perceived as aggressive. However, a person who doesn’t speak much or use many gestures may be perceived as reserved. Strive for the most accepted communication behavior in the right situation with the appropriate amount of intensity. As a result, we recommend the following formula to find that Peak Area.

EC = RB + RT + RI

Effective Communication = Right Behavior at the Right Time with the Right Intensity